Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: PJCT02
This is a home automation system developed using Arduino and Zigbee. Home automation is a rapidly evolving field of technology. A key pad is used to turnON and OFF the device. This device is suitable for controlling devices in a wide range since the Zigbees have a higher tr..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: PJCT44
The main purpose of this arduino based project is to provide continuous power supply to a load, by selecting the supply from any of the four sources namely solar, inverter, main and generator automatically in case if one of the sources are absent. The priority order in power supply l..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: PJCT45
In this project we are implementing an electronic device which will help our soldiers those who are in hilly areas especially in snowy regions to withstand the extreme climatic conditions. This device based on arduino uno and peltier module can help maintain homeothermic conditions..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: PJCT12
RF controlled robot interfaced into Arduino UNO controls the movements of the robot using a switch pad array connected to the RF transmitter module. The switch pad array inputs are transmitted via RF transmitter module which is received through RF receiver. The RF receiver outp..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: PJCT51
Speed checker to detect rash driving represents a device to detect rash driving on highways and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any violation. In the past, lot of devices to detect rash driving on highways has been made. Most of the approaches require..
₹20000.00 ₹22000.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Product InformationThis is an IoT kit based on the Arduino microcontroller board.Kit Contents
Arduino Uno R3 (Italy Made Original) – 1 nos.
USB A to B Cable – 1 nos.
ESP8266 – 1 nos.
LM35 temperature sensor – 1 nos.
LED – 2 nos.
Push button ..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Product InformationThis is an Arduino based IoT kit.Kit Contents
Uno R3 Compatible board – 1 nos.
USB A to B Cable – 1 nos.
ESP8266 – 1 nos.
LM35 temperature sensor – 1 nos.
LED – 2 nos.
Push button switch – 1 nos.
Male to Female jum..
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: L293D shield
Product OverviewThe Arduino Motor Shield allows your arduino to drive DC and stepper motors, relays and solenoids...
₹319.00 ₹399.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: UNO-R3-CASE
Clear and Transparent Case which perfectly for Arduino UNO R3. All ports are accessible as well as Arduino Shields can be easily fixed which makes a perfect fit for developers who like to fix the arduino into a case for additional protection without any limitation of accessing the ports.
₹199.00 ₹299.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Features:LoRaTM spread spectrum communication+20dBm - 10mW. Stable RF output power when input voltage changedHalf-duplex SPI communicationProgrammable bit rate can reach to 300kbpsSupport FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRaTM and OOK Modulation Mode127dB RSSI wave range.Automatically detect RF signal, C..
₹2499.00 ₹2999.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: ATMEGA128V1.0
Product OverviewAtmega 128/64 development board with ISP and JTAG support. The development board or project board is reused by replacing the IC breakout board.
9V/12V supply input for the board
On board pins for taking the supply voltage output
5V and 3.3V output pins for powering the peri..
₹1499.00 ₹1999.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: ATMEGA16-32-PJT-BRD
Product OverviewThe ATMEGA Project Board is designed to work with ATMEGA16/32. The ATMEGA16/32 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. It executes powerful instructions in a single clock cycle and achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing..
₹499.00 ₹699.00