Buy Convertors and Interface boards for Arduino Raspberry pi and other embedded boards
Brand: Others
Model: L293D BOARD
Product OverviewCOMPATIBLE WITH ARDUINO, RASPBERRY PI, ARM, AVR, PIC, 8051, etcThis Motor Driver Board is designed to Work with L293D IC. The L293D is a popular motor driver IC designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V.Compact L293D Motor Dr..
₹99.00 ₹149.00
Brand: Others
Model: 8ch-RELAY-BOARD
Package Contents
1 x Eight Channel 12V ULN2803 Based Relay Board Module
Product Overview
Relay board module is used for controlling higher current loads from your microcontroller development board, PC parallel port or Arduino Uno. This board has eig..
₹279.00 ₹299.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: ESP-WROOM-32
ESP-WROOM-32 breakout board. The pins of ESP-WROOM-32 are extended for easy use.
The ESP-WROOM-32 is a powerful, generic WiFi-BT-BLE MCU module that targets a wide variety of applications ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks such as voice encoding, music ..
₹999.00 ₹2399.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: ESP12Breakout
ESP8266-ESP12E breakout board. The pins of ESP12E are extended for easy use...
₹399.00 ₹499.00
Brand: Others
Model: 4ch-Relay-Board
Package Contents
1 x Four Channel 12V ULN2003 Based Relay Board Module
Product Overview
Relay board module is used for controlling higher current loads from your microcontroller development board, PC parallel port or Arduino Uno. This board has four..
₹179.00 ₹199.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: HM-10-BLE-4
It is a BLE (low energy bluetooth) module.
Bluetooth protocol: Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE receives no byte limit Iphone 4s under open environment and can achieve 110 m long distance communication
TI#39;s CC2541 chip configuration 256Kb space fol..
₹499.00 ₹699.00
Brand: Others
Model: HT12E HT12D
You are buying one HT12E (RF Encoder) and one HT12D (RF Decoder).
HT12E is used to encode the data for RF Transmitter and HT12D is used to decode the data received by RF receiver.
Product Features
The HT12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control sys..
₹109.00 ₹149.00
Brand: Others
Model: L293D
Product Features
The L293D is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. They are designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, dc and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in p..
₹59.00 ₹69.00
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: L298N
Drives a 2-phase stepper motor or two DC motors with L298N dual H-Bridge chip.
Ideal for robotic applications .
Easy to interface with a microcontroller.
₹199.00 ₹350.00
Brand: Others
Model: LCD
20 x 4 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780.
Characters on blue/green background, with back light.
4 rows, 20 characters per row...
Brand: ElementzOnline
Model: LCD_Serial_Converter
Data and commands can given serially with the help of some easy to use 'Attention commands' (AT commands). It is suitable for beginners and experts in the field of embedded system. Since it is operated through simple SERIAL communication in ASCII format, the module can be easil..
₹799.00 ₹999.00