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21 Dec Interfacing RFID-RC522 with Arduino UNO
saranya 0 29315
RFID stands for radio frequency identification and it basically uses the radio waves to read the information on the tag. The RFID tags contains the em..
07 Dec RF Wireless Control
saranya 0 6487
Here we will be seeing an example of wireless control of devices using RF technology. This system utilizes the RF module (Tx/Rx) for doing wireless co..
19 Jul Playing with nRF51822 BLE module
dhanishvijayan 0 5812
This post introduces the tools and environment for getting started with the NRF51822 based development. The chipset we used has ARM Cortex M0 in it, w..
05 Apr LCD Serial Interface Board: An Introduction to AT commands & Interfacing using UART
jerryljamesabraham 2 8593
      Hello enthusiasts, In this post, I am throwing some light into introducing LCD Serial Interface Board ,familiarising you with its major AT c..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)
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