Hi Readers,
We are in an extreme excitement to introduce the mindblowing A9G pudding board, which can be used for GPS tracking application. And the main highlight is that you can program the GSM modem directly through UART, Thus no separate micro-controller is required for the applications. The demos provided along with the SDK are straightforward to implement.
The instructions given below assumes that you have a recent version of the Linux OS(Debian based) installed.
Download the SDK and toolchain from the following links.
Toolchain - http://test.ai-thinker.com/csdk/CSDTK42_Linux.tar.gz
SDK - https://github.com/Ai-Thinker-Open/GPRS_C_SDK/releases (GPRS_C_SDK_Vxxxx.7z required)
Preparing the host system for development
1) Install the required packages using the following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib lib32z1
sudo apt install build-essential libqt4-qt3support itcl3 itk3 iwidgets4
2) Extract the toolchain and SDK to the directory say ~/projects
3) Prepare the compilation environment
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/projects/CSDTK
cd ~/projects/CSDTK
./setup.sh ./ ~/projects
this will setup the environment for compilation
Next, compile some example projects
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/projects/GPRS_C_SDK
cd ~/projects/GPRS_C_SDK
./build.sh demo gpio
Note: For serious development please use mature IDE like Eclipse along with CDT. This will help to reduce development time with the autocompletion features and code linting and refactoring.