03 Feb
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Hi Readers,
Elementz Engineers Guild Pvt Ltd have deployed a LoRA Gateway with communication range, 865-867 MHz ISM Frequency band in India. It is located at the heart of Thiruvananthapuram City , Thampanoor (8.488926 lattitude, 76.949655 longitude). We have joined the Lora network using TTN, TheThingsNetwork (https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/).
The GateWay we are using is from RAK wireless, Model: RAK831.
Gateway Features:
- Frequency band 868MHz
- Sensitivity: down to -138dBm,Output Power up to 20dbm
- open 8 channels uplink and 1 channel downlink for Makers
- SX1301 based processor
- USB or SPI interface
We have followed the below tutorial for deploying the LoRA Gateway from the following link.
Stay tuned to get updates on more LoRA excavations from our R&D team.